Here the class almost over i will feel sad, because English 101 was the most fascinating, extremely exciting and opened our eyes on how does the industrial food system works.In my blog i will discuss the prospective on a system in different ways and how does the information i received influenced my whole life.
From my point of view i hope that system will not exist too long, because it destroys lives and effect many fields like economical, political and ecological. I should mention as well the animal cruelty and
From the political prospective CAFOs are very time and money efficient rather then let the cattle gain natural weight and have more people take care of them on the pastures. We learned that people will use hormones and antibiotics, illegal toxic drags, corn subsidizers on animals in order to rash the productivity. A huge flow of immigration due to the facts that immigrants are cheap labor, eager to do anything, will not complain, not in labor units, we can also include some kind of racial issue talking about child labor as well.
From the political prospective we traced a strong connection between politicians and meat industry CEOs. Many of the politicians were under patronage by slaughter house headquarters, paid for the election companies, financed everything. And if the elections went good Mr President would put his "meat king" friend into position where he can control ans play with food industry as he wishes.
Ecological prospective , in my view, the most dreadful. Special designed "lagoons" that were holding all the animal waste from factories, industrial or "green gases"provoke planet overheating,
Everything i learned on professor Cooper's class is very valuable for me, now i pretty much aware of the food we all consuming, it should be cage free, salt, fat and sugar free, even if its USDA approved. Everything i learned i shared with my friends and family, for me as young mother that was very helpful and important, because now I know where to buy food so that we did not end up with diabetes or cancer.
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