Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"The End of Overeating" by Dr. David Kessle.

In the recent discussion of the article "The End of Overeating" by Dr. David Kessle  we had a chance to explore the psychological connection between our neuron system and food as salt, sugar and fat. From the author's prospective, he made an accent that food that includes in its content sugar, fat or salt can be very addictive not only to the human's body, but to the animals as well. A number of studies were conducted in Universities of USA and Canada on that issue. Rats showed a result of being very hard working for a certain "reward" and the"reward " was a food high in fat, sugar and salt. As a results shows food containing that three "key" ingredients stimulate our the reward centers in our brains,  that creates a pathway that get  addictive response and lead to overeating. No matter what food you might eat it already contains either ingredient,  people psychologically got used to the taste of salt, ans sugar.But for different people that "bliss point" id different as well, some like too sweet others less, some loves over salty, others not. We get exposed to that kind of food everywhere, TV, billboards, gossips, promotions sales, and a good businessman knows  what "button" to push in order to get high profit. Here we can see a strong connection between CAFO and overeating  in both are habits, CAFO keeps supplying us with meat high in antibiotics and hormones which are  make our immune system resistant to the antibiotics,  humans keep demanding for the meat! Meat consumption is kind of cult which a lot of ads crying:"If you are real man eat MEAT!" 
Overeating is a psychological habit that people's mind invented in order to get away from the problems and stresses. When you trapped and don't know what to do, when you lost and can not make a right step what do you usually do? You going to the kitchen open a refrigerator and searching for an escape from the reality in food. There is no one to blame except for ourselves. No one put that food into your mouth, you do that yourself. You do not need anybody to help you with the overeating problem, you need yourself.
In the conclusion i would like to add  start from realization on the mental level that you hurting  you body, by the too much  food consumption. Watch for what you eating, when you eating, and how much!


  1. Hi Nadima my names Casey I’m in professor Coopers ENG 101 class. First of all I like to start off by saying that I thought you did a really good job. You made it very clear that things like salt fat and sugar are very addicting and that they can be directly linked to overeating. You made this connection very clear but you also put the burden of stopping on the individual, which I thought was interesting. Basically you summarized the article you were supposed to read very well. But you could have expanded on the reflection part a little more. Specificity in parts like when you said “There is no one to blame except for ourselves” this was an interesting idea and this blog would be a lot better if you expanded on it. One other thing that you might do to improve this blog is connect it to the CAFO’s I feel like you don’t do this in your blog and since it’s in the assignment description it’s something you might want to add in somewhere. Other than some polish issues (you make a few basic spelling mistakes) this was a very good blog and if you add just a few minor things it will be an exceptional blog.

  2. Casey i would like to thank you for your comment, i will definitely use it in proper way.
